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Image of a Browser with an Image and a Tag with Alt Tag Written On It
Just How Long Should Alt Text Be?
So, how long should alt text be? The general consensus here is that there is no hard limit, but more of a contextual awareness of what purpose the image serves and adapting to it accordingly. — Just How Long Should Alt Text Be? (CSS-Tricks)As I was revamping my website, I took the chance to make sure…
Non-Alphanumeric PHP Shell Blogpost Cover
Non-Alphanumeric PHP Shell
UPDATE NOV 13: As seen on Sucuri , this exact snippet of mine was spotted in the wild in 2013. When this article was first published in 2011, my blog was at (Wayback machine ) and I wasn't getting a lot of views back then. In an effort to make sure my codes are…
Mobile App vs Mobile Web
Mobile Apps vs. Mobile Web
When you log into your computer at home and visit Facebook, most people type "facebook" into their browser. Some people may click bookmarks in their browsers. You certainly won't find and open version 1.1 of the Facebook desktop app for OS X (no such thing exists). However, on our internet-enabled mobile devices, we behave completely…
Teh Playground PHP Testbed
Teh Playground!
Teh Playgound is a PHP testbed, where you can do rapid PHP prototyping without the need to build your own LAMP stack or bother with saving files and the like. It allows you to slap together a quick block of code and render it straight in your browser, and even proceed to send that data…
Display PHP Logo on any URL Blogpost Cover
Display PHP Logo on any URL
PHP is full of cruft.For example, PHP has a "feature" wherein if you add '?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42' to the end of a script, it produces the PHP logo. can get this ID with php php_logo_guid.There is also php zend_logo_guid and an undocumented php_egg_logo_guid() function: can also get the PHP developer credits with php phpcredits or ask any PHP script using another code…
2 Obscure PHP Functions Blogpost Cover
2 Obscure PHP Functions
Do note that these 2 functions below are built-in PHP functions supported in 5.3=<GOTOThere are lots of jokes about the GOTO function in other languages, but in PHP, it can be a really useful exception catching mechanism.<?php restart: if (error_condition1) { …
Commenting Codes: Yes or No? Blogpost Cover
Commenting Codes: Yes or No?
Recently went across an article written by Riyad Mamadov titled Don't Waste Your Time Commenting Source Code. It kind of struck home. I've worked with lots of programmers who comment on their code like pros but the algorithms could be improved upon.Of course, I'm not saying they should be flawless in algorithms, but I…
Smush.It by Yahoo's logo
Start “Smush”-ing Your Images
Being a web developer, I've always have problems with image sizes. Since I develope in a local environment most of the time before deployment. I have never have had to mess with image sizes. Most of the images load almost instantly for me. And once it's over development phase, I just push the application and…
Flash Player's Icon Rising through the Clouds into Heaven
So, Is Flash Going Away?
Austin Carr, quoting Firefox VP Jay Sullivan:“I think so in the long run,” Sullivan says. “A lot of it has to do with HTML5. With Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 9, and Chrome, to the extent that we provide functionality in enough browsers, then the developers will switch over to HTML5, especially in mobile, where…
Email Validations, the Right Way Blogpost Cover
Email Validations, the Right Way
Recently, I've been to quite a few website that require my email, either for launch notifications or for registration. Now, most of you might know that GMail allows you to add the + sign in your emails and it will still reach your email for sorting purposes.E.g. I may use salmon+posterous[at] for emails from…
Simple PHP Method Chaining Blogpost Cover
Simple PHP Mehod Chaining
Method chaining is an advanced OOP concept in PHP. If you have experience in working with frameworks like CodeIgniter or CakePHP, you should have noticed a very convenient style of accessing different classes and methods and it looks something like this:$obj->foo->bar->anotherMethod();This technique in programming is known as method chaining. We'll understand more about this…
PHP vs Rails Blogpost Cover
PHP vs. Rails
Sometimes I get asked by friends or colleagues,"Should I build my app in PHP? What's this Rails thing?".A programming language is a means to an end, I tell them. It is a tool.A talented PHP developer can write cleaner, faster software than a lesser Rails developer - and vice versa.If you…
The North Face Kaban Backpack

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