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Threads Web App Launch
Threads Web App Launch
Rolled out earlier this week, but by yesterday, I believe it's now available to everyone. Missing some features from the native iPhone/Android apps (no access to the chronological “following” feed yet), but quite solid overall — and there are some very nice touches on the features that are present.MG Siegler has a post comparing…
Name Change Tanked X App Downloads
Name Change Tanked X App Downloads
Twitter has seen a dramatic decrease in its Top Downloaded chart position across both platforms since the app was renamed to X. Why? The situation presents a fascinating case study at the intersection of brand equity and mobile platform dynamics.The case is somewhat unprecedented: Twitter built a ubiquitous, household-name brand over the course…
McDonald's logo beside the de-arched Russian chain logo
McDonald’s De-Arched.
Following Russia's attack on Ukraine, McDonald's sold its Russian business to a regional franchisee. On the condition that they could not use the brand's iconic branding, but allowed them to keep the same menu. McD called this "the process of de-Arching".TASS, a Russian-run news agency shared a report 2 days ago about Russia's very…
Japanese Sign with Handwritten Operating Hours
English is not Good for Marketing
You've probably heard this a million times, but the answer of the questionHow can I improve my business at this age?is almost alwaysCreate a social media presence that highlights your expertise.So I've been thinking. If everyone is now doing marketing in social media. What can make you stand out?Is it…
Free Stuff Blog Post Cover
Fragility of Free
Ben Brooks wrote the smartest thing I’ve read all day. A great companion piece to the aforelinked Jason Fried article on how to make money.Also, Kyle Baxter wrote some good comments on Ben’s article:[Twitter] assumed if they reached a critical mass of users, turning it into a profitable business would be easy—and they’ve discovered that isn’t really true. It…
Smiling Waitress Taking a Credit Card
Don’t Be Afraid To Charge
Recently stumbled upon this article titled Making Money by Jason Fried, the co-founder of 37signals. Within this article, I found a goldmine of quotes from him that made me think hard.People's reasons for buying things often don't match up with the company's reason for selling them.This quote totally hits the mark. I'm a freelance web…
Social Media Negative Signs
Social Media is the bane of Civil Marketing?
When fashion icon and marketing provocateur Kenneth Cole unleashed this infamous tweet earlier this month on the heels of the uprisings in Cairo, all hell broke loose in the digerati. The digital equivalent of "off with his head!" could be heard for days as people on Twitter, in blog posts and Tumblr updates, and — perhaps most embarrassingly to…
Scrabble Letters With Text Roi Arranged Beside A Calculator
Understanding ROI
Return on InvestmentContrary to popular beliefs, Social Media is not a FREE service for business. It takes People, Technology, and Time. All of which are limited resources.The EquationThe investment would be expected to be returned in many times more than the invested amount.ROI = (Gain from investment - Cost of investment)…
Couple with Smartphones in Their Bed
Designed to be Addictive
People loved watching reality TV shows about people singing and dancing their way to fame.Then we got Glee.People loved books and movies about vampires, werewolves, and a chick.Then we got True Blood. TV isn’t always creative, but at the same time, it can still be very successful. I don’t watch any of…
iPad on Marble Table
Apple averages $200 per iPad sold
Maybe it’s a concussion from my days in secondary school, but I love hearing about the profit margins companies have for their devices. It’s amazing to me that companies like Sony are willing to take a hit and sell devices at a loss in order to sell more software down the road. Apple is clearly no fan…
The North Face Kaban Backpack

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