Sugared Water vs. Changing the World Blogpost Cover

Sugared Water vs. Changing the World

I’m currently reading “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs“.

It’s really not one of those cheesy, DIY Keynote manuals that you might think it is, and a much more detailed, stalker-like analysis of all things Steve.  Which, if you’re a fanboy like me, is kinda great.

It’s filled with classic Steve moments.  Here’s one of my favorites:

In 1983, Jobs was aggressively courting then PepsiCo president John Scully.  Apple desperately wanted to bring in someone with Sculley’s marketing and managing experience, but despite Steve’s charm, Sculley failed to budge.  The position would require that Sculley relocate his family to the West Coast, and it paid less than he wanted.

Sculley recounts the conversation that would lead to his decision to take the job.  “We were on the balcony’s west side, facing the Hudson River, when he finally asked me directly: ‘Are you going to come to Apple?’ ‘Steve,’ I said, ‘I really love what you’re doing.  I’m excited by it; how could anyone not be captivated? But it just doesn’t make sense.  I’d love to be an adviser to you, to help you in any way.  But I don’t think I can come to Apple.'”

Sculley said Jobs’ head dropped; he paused and stared at the ground.  Jobs then looked up and issued a challenge to Sculley that would “haunt” him.  Jobs said, “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?”.  Sculley said it was as if someone delivered a stiff blow to his stomach.

Wham! A direct blow so someone’s psychology just like that, in a snap of a finger, this man twisted another man’s reality.

Well, this is Steve Jobs for you!

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