Steve jobs holding iPhone in his hands during WWDC

Looking Back at Steve Jobs

Looking at my last post on this blog, I feel very somber.

It was written a month ago and I talked about Steve Jobs in it as if he was still with us.

Now that he’s gone, the world has lost a great man. A cutting-edge visionary, an inspiring preacher, a man who propelled the world great leaps and bounds forward — sometimes we screamed with annoyance, sometimes we were ecstatic. Like many others, I am deeply saddened by the passing of Steve Jobs, and even writing this two weeks after his passing has tears in my eyes.

I’ve been an Apple user for over 12 years, bought almost everything they released, always stayed up until 3am watching Steve do his amaze-balls product announcements. I was fascinated by the life story of Steve Jobs (read the books, watch the movie), and recently became part of the iOS ecosystem and started building apps for iPhone and iPad. Apple is an important part of my life.

There are many, many tributes to Steve Jobs, but one of the most moving for me is Stephen Colbert. A huge Apple fanatic himself, his farewell message to Steve was both respectful and very human. It’s impossible not to cry in the last 10 seconds of this clip.

EDIT: The link above cannot be watched anymore, I’ve managed to find the exact episode on, and re-uploaded the entire segment to YouTube, which you can watch below.

I will always remember Steve Jobs. He will continue to be an inspiration to me and millions of others, that’s for sure. I wanted to somehow keep him reminded so I could be motivated to never be afraid, never listen to naysayers, and never give up on my dreams and ambitions.

Despite his strategic genius, perfect stage skills, inspiring, determined ambitions of faith, Jobs was a man, a man just like you and me. He wore goofy bow ties when he was younger, he screw up every now and then, and as he got older, things started to get harder to see, so he put glasses on his head like that.

That is the way I remember him. Someone who showed the world they could do crazy great things, if you dare to try.

Rest in Peace.

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